Sunday, May 31, 2015


On my blog, I primarily wrote about vulnerabilities or solutions to vulnerabilities or occasionally new cyber security laws. I wrote about the vulnerabilities because I believe that people as a whole can frequently become very relaxed when it comes to security, especially with cell phones. If one person can read what I posted and think “oh, I never even thought about that being a risk or vulnerability, maybe I should take another look at what I am doing” then my job is done. I wrote about new laws because I think it is interesting to watch the judicial and legislative system evolve based on the ever-growing world of technology. I typically used as my source because I find their articles to be more captivating than some of the other tech sites. I also used to gain ideas for this blog. I don’t think this type of blog would be useful to an information security professional because I tend to write about things that are trending now and most tech sites have an article that reiterates what I have written.
A few lessons to the next group of students:
1.       Do your work ahead of time or at least get a rough draft of what you will write about. There are times when there isn't too much new news out there for you to write about, so don’t wait until the last minute to start looking.
2.       Ask questions if you don’t understand an assignment.

3.       You get back what you put into this class. The more you put in the better off you will be in the long run. 

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