Sunday, April 19, 2015

Hacking a Plane via their Wi-Fi

Boeing had been warned by the FAA seven years ago that its Dreamliner plane’s Wi-Fi was susceptible to hacking. Now, that threat is still very possible. Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner, Airbus A350 and A380 all have Wi-Fi that is available to passengers. This Wi-Fi is also the same network that the avionics system uses. This raises concerns that a flight could be hijacked by a hacker who could be able to take over the navigation system. The system could also be hacked remotely due to a passenger going to a malicious website. In 2008 the FAA told Boeing that the issue had to be fixed before rolling out their new line of planes. Boeing is saying that they are taking steps to fix the problem, possibly with physically air-gapping the networks. Boeing however, refused to release that information. Overall, this could turn into a very serious situation very, very quickly. All it takes is someone who can breach the network and this could turn into another aircraft tragedy.

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